Monday, November 21, 2011

Heaven is Not a Place

One of those questions and concepts that I had always struggled with growing up going to church was the idea that there was a place called Heaven and place called Hell and if you were good and pleased a judgmental god, you'd go to this divine Heaven but if you were bad and did not please this God you'd spend an eternity in this horrible place experiencing horrible things. That's what I was taught and I have a few Christian friends who still hold this view.

For years I believed this and was a 'good Christian' simply to avoid the pain of an afterlife spent in damnation.

But this  reward you if you're good, punish you if you're bad, GOD never felt right. What about those 2/3 of the world who are not Christians? How could God be all loving yet all judgmental at the same time?

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Fast forward ---

Just over two years ago, I reluctantly decided to try hallucinogenic mushrooms with a few close friends.  We made a tea brew around 6 pm, added with a touch of honey and green tea leaves, it was surprisingly...tasty.  What followed was a visceral, melting of senses, a complete wash of perception and ultimately the death of my ego resulting in a stillness and oneness with all living things. It was in this moment I felt the pure, unfiltered presence of God within myself which is really the only thing left when the ego dissolves. Revelation after revelation came to me. It was as if all lifes' questions were answered not in words but in feelings. In those questions came the one of heaven and hell. In a single, glimpse of a moment, I had the answer; Heaven is not a place it's a state of being, a state of oneness and connection with life. At the same time, it is an expanding state of joy, peace, love and absolute knowledge of the good of the universe.

Now of course, you don't need to take illegal hallucinogenic drugs to experience this. I've experienced it time and time again through long bouts of meditation where the ego cannot survive.  But recognize you don't need to be anywhere or do anything to experience Heaven. It is right here dwelling within the now, hiding just behind your ego, just behind your sense of separation and self indulgence.

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